The second great war skyrim

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Posing as nothing more than a mere adventure sounded easy enough right little did I know what was waiting ahead of me and this is my story. We were fucking hated, so I was tossed to strengthen Alfred clocks claimed to the throne and eventually lead him to his untimely death, handing to the rightful rulers of the Old Dominion. However, the wasn't exactly accepted here. You see was on the verge of a civil war weakened and easily seized. Their eyes the sees the opportunity to use my human like features to their advantage. It was what made me somewhat significant. Ironically, as much as my tainted blood was a disgrace to our kind.

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though I understood why I was a clear betrayal of their Alvin kind the result of an agent's dedication to their craft. At the embassy as a babe in the hands of Ellen who were assigned to raise me like her own much to her dismay, I asked her once about my mother, but she refused to discuss it couldn't blame her. We're born in it or the very least raised in it like me I. Yeah, you probably know what I am by now and I know what you're thinking what type of scam chooses to work for the truth, be told I don't choose it.

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I'm not sure how to answer that question you see I go by many names names given to me names. I suppose you wonder who I am to be Frank.